Keeping Your Routine (When Your Routine Changes)

Even if it’s a bit chaotic, most of us have some sort of routine. Our kids go to school at a certain time and come home at a certain time. If they’re in soccer - like mine - the practices and games are pretty standard. 

As I’m writing this, we are coming up to March Break. This means that our schedules are going to be thrown off. And if you’re trying to build new, healthy habits, that can feel really disruptive. After all, consistency is key, whether it’s our nutrition, movement or self-care habits. 

And these changes aren’t limited to just March Break. There are other times during the year when our routine feels less routine. The holidays. Going on vacation. Or maybe it’s specific to us - for example if you’re moving, having a baby or going through another big life change. 

So, whether it is, disruptions to our routines are inevitable. That's why I’d recommend bookmarking this article for whenever you may need it next. We'll go into how you can maintain your balance and face whatever life throws your way with confidence and grace.

You are in control. 

Sometimes, we treat ourselves like we are white water rafting. Life is throwing us in every direction and we are just holding on for dear life and waiting for calmer waters.  But it’s worth reminding ourselves that, in reality, we are holding the paddles. We are steering our course, and so we get to choose how we respond to changing circumstances. 

However, to steer in the right direction takes some forethought and planning. Let’s use March Break as an example. 

Sure, it messes with our schedules, but it also gives us a chance to mix things up, and try new stuff. Maybe it's getting the kids involved in meal prep or turning family time into outdoor adventures. Maybe it’s packing some snacks in our purse so we can avoid grabbing something on the run. 

Whatever it is…we are in control. 

Intentional and flexible 

The truth is that it’s a lot easier to stick with your goals if you are being intentional. If you know what the desired outcome looks like, everything else flows much more smoothly. Being intentional helps you check in with your body and prevent you from spiraling into physical and emotional exhaustion. 

As well, being intentional helps you create a plan that allows for flexibility. 

Consider this example: Imagine you are making banana bread and the recipe calls for eggs. The problem is that you’ve run out. You can sub in some Greek yogurt instead. The key is that even though you're making a substitution, you're still following the recipe. Having that overall goal in mind - in this case, delicious banana bread - allows you to make tweaks and adjustments without straying too far from the desired outcome.

So, just like in the kitchen, having a clear vision for your goals gives you the freedom to be flexible. Going back to March Break - maybe you’re going to have to skip the gym. However, what if you add some active activities to your family’s plans? You’re still prioritizing movement, even if it looks different. 

It's about knowing when to stick to the recipe and when to get a little creative - keeping your big goals in mind.

When it’s time to get back on track 

No matter how meticulously we plan, there are bound to be times when we veer off course. Then what? 

Too often, we fall into the trap of believing that a momentary setback means we've completely derailed our progress. We convince ourselves that we must wait for the perfect moment to start again. We have certain dates - like New Year's, our birthdays, or the start of a new week - ingrained in our minds as the designated times for course correction.

But here's the reality: You can hit the reset button whenever you choose. Remember, you're the one in control here! There's no need to wait for a specific date or time to realign with your goals. You have the power to start fresh whenever you decide to do so. 

Building an intentional - and sustainable - vision

When it comes to maintaining our sense of control, it all starts with intentionality. It’s what will remind us that we’re in control. It’s what will allow us to be flexible and it’s what will help us get back on track if we find ourselves off our course. 

Feeling inspired to take control of your journey? Let's chat about crafting that vision together. Reach out, and let's set sail on this adventure with confidence and grace.


The Ripple Effect of Building Healthy Habits


Busting the Myth of Balance