

The Vitality MVMT was created to help burnt out moms put themselves first again. To decrease stress & cravings, eliminate exhaustion & create a healthy life that’s full of energy, good food and connection, without diet culture BS. Motherhood doesn’t have to be draining.


Hi, I’m Chernell your Energy Coach. I’m a mom of 3, a Certified health coach, Ritz-Carlton award winning registered massage therapist, Best Selling Author and personal trainer. I’ve been in the health & wellness industry for over 17 years.

I know what it’s like to feel exhausted day after day, to wonder if this is what motherhood feels like. I’ve been a tired mom in the depths of overwhelm, cravings, brain fog and mood swings. That feeling of having nothing at the end of the day is why I created The Energized Mom Method to help other moms like us.

With a wholistic approach that leans on anatomy & physiology, but also an understanding of the value of connection and mindset, I was able to rise out of the fatigue and create lasting change with habits that I use daily

The Energized Mom Method targets stress in your mind, body and in your environment through awareness, habits and accountability.

I want your health & energy to be the priority in your life, because without that you can’t show up for yourself, your life, your family or your business. 

Kind Words

 As a busy mom with two small kids, I never take the time to understand and reflect on my own eating habits. Chernell gave me that opportunity and helped me change the way I look at food and understand why I have such strong cravings. I’ve started being more mindful about what and why I eat and implementing some of the swap ideas you suggested. Thank you for your encouragement and positivity. It was a great investment for my own health and wellbeing!

— Lily Horbatiuk


Certified Health Coach
Registered Massage Therapist
Personal Trainer

I will hold you accountable to your future self!

Now is the time

Try a breakthrough session for free, gain some clarity and see if coaching is right for you.