The Ripple Effect of Building Healthy Habits

I have talked a lot on my social media about the benefits of self-care, the dangers of burnout and the effects that it can have on you. 

But what about the other side of your journey? What about your children? What impact can your healthy decisions have on them? 

That’s what we’re going to talk about in this article - save this one for a day when you need a little extra motivation! 

Hearing positive self-talk 

We are our children’s first role models. And just as we carry the echoes of our parents' voices in our own heads as adults, our children internalize the messages we impart to them, forming the soundtrack of their inner dialogue.

Consider for a moment: what does the voice in your child's head sound like? Is it filled with self-criticism and doubt, or is it infused with confidence and self-assurance? 

I love affirmations - I even have a board in my office that says: I am worthy. I am capable. I am enough. But it's when I see my children internalizing these affirmations and viewing themselves with respect and dignity that I am truly reminded of their significance.

I understand how challenging it can be to overcome our own limiting beliefs. But when we begin to shift the way we talk about ourselves, we're not just rewriting our own story. We're also creating a more confident, empowered internal narrator for our children to follow.

Seeing what a balanced schedule looks like

My oldest daughter can remember what life was like when I was burnt out and stressed. She also sees how things are today, and that I have built a more balanced schedule. And she certainly understands the difference. 

Nowadays, I am strict with my boundaries and intentional about my time. But rather than seeing these practices as restrictive, my children see firsthand the importance of setting aside time for rest, relaxation, and quality time with loved ones.

Embracing imperfection and feeling joy in the moment

The problem is that we are generally praised for the things we do well. So, we gravitate to the things we do well.  But when we do that, we miss out on countless opportunities for growth, discovery, and sheer enjoyment. 

By embracing activities simply because they bring us joy, regardless of our skill level, we open ourselves up to a world of enriching experiences and meaningful connections.

We also set a powerful example for our children. They learn not only the value of perseverance and resilience but also the importance of finding joy in the present. 

So let’s challenge ourselves to step outside of our comfort zones. Will it be messy and imperfect? Probably, but it will also be a lot of fun!

The ripple effect of your hard work 

If you've been striving to strike a better balance in your life, I understand the hurdles you're facing. It's tough to switch gears and head in a different direction after sticking to one path for so long.

But here's the thing: staying on track brings about remarkable changes for you and your entire family. Your kids are always watching, picking up on the habits and choices you make. When they see you prioritizing self-care and making healthy decisions a routine part of your life, it becomes second nature for them too.

If you're ready to take the next step towards creating lasting change in your life and the lives of those you love, I invite you to book a breakthrough call today. Together, we can discuss your challenges and how you can begin to make a positive change today. 


You don’t need more information…you need this instead.


Keeping Your Routine (When Your Routine Changes)