Real Change is Deep

When we talk about transformation, we sometimes think about a caterpillar becoming a butterfly. 

I don’t know about you, but my knowledge was pretty basic. It’s a caterpillar, then it goes into its cocoon and comes out a butterfly. 

But that middle stage, that transformation, is cool (and kind of gross)! 

The caterpillar digests itself and dissolves into a bunch of enzymes and groups of cells called imaginal discs. Once its cocoon is full of mush, the imaginal discs feed on the enzymes to create new body parts, such as wings, antennae, etc. After it finishes forming, you’ve got yourself a butterfly flying out. 

Nice science lesson, Chernell. What’s the point? 

The point is that when we think of change, we think about it in very basic terms: from caterpillar to butterfly, from before to after. 

But real change is so much more. Real change means we transform from one thing to another - that’s the true definition of metamorphosis.

So, what does that look like in real life? What does that mean for your habits? Your energy? Your family? Your business?

Let’s talk about some simple truths about REAL transformation. 

Get rid of the old to make room for the new.

Let’s consider caterpillars again. A caterpillar cannot become a butterfly unless it transforms. It has to break down the old before growing into something new. 

You have to do that, too. You must throw out the old ideas that were not serving you before you can step into your new identity with next-level energy. 

That’s not just swapping out cookies for carrots. It’s going right into your thoughts. 

That’s the difference between transformation and disguise. Sometimes, we accidentally confuse the two. We discussed this in a previous blog—sometimes, we pick a quick fix and think it’s the whole solution. 

But that’s just disguising the root of the problem. 

Let’s use an example. Suppose you want to get back into a healthy routine and start going for walks. 

That’s amazing, and it will do a lot of good. I don't downplay that for a second. 

But what if you haven’t let go of your old ideas about making space for yourself? When life throws something your way—the baby gets the flu, work gets extra busy—you will allow yourself to fall right back to the bottom of the list. 

You can’t hate yourself into being happy and healthy. It starts from the inside and how we feel about ourselves, that drives real change. 

When we work towards transforming from the inside out—like butterflies—it changes how we approach every situation. 

How do I know if I’m making REAL change? 

Real change, which is lasting, has two key components: it takes time and effort. There are no shortcuts. 

Let’s talk about Rachel (name changed), one of the women in my Energized Mom Method group coaching. She is an ambitious business owner and an incredible mom. Rachel has big plans for her life, and I know she will do amazing things.

However, she didn’t feel like she was taking care of herself and was running on empty by the end of the day.

So, Rachel decided to make a change and joined the Energized Mom Method. She started with little tweaks, like grabbing snacks in the morning. But she also pushed herself out of her comfort zone, asking for help when she needed it. 

What surprised her most was how she began to pause and think before acting, making sure her choices lined up with her bigger life goals.

That deliberate, intentional living is serving her well today and will continue to serve her regardless of how her life changes in the future. 

That is real change. If you want to make deep, lasting changes, let’s discuss how the Energized Mom Method can help.


The Struggle is Real for Mompreneurs